Salted Cards Trick
Published Tuesday, November 28, 2006 by motion11 | E-mail this post
This trick is very easy to perform and it has a great effect on the audience. The best thing about it is that it's allmost impossible to reveal. All you need is one deck of cards and a small amount of salt.
Have a shuffled deck of cards and place it on the floor in front of them. Pick one member of the audience and tell them they will perform the trick with you. After you picked one tell them to pick a card from the deck and place it on top of the deck.
Now tell them to divide the deck into five stacks. After they divided it you will point at all the decks and show the audience where the chosen card is placed. and now comes the tricky part, while you point at the stack that has the right card drop a pinch of salt onto it. Remember not to touch the cards during the whole performance to make a more dramatical appearance. Now tell your assistant to put the deck back togetherin in the different order.
When all is set, kick the deck slightly with your foot to make the cards slide to side. Examine the deck and pick the card that has the largest distance between it self and the card next to it. Remember to add creativity to your performance to be more persuasive and set the magic amosphere. Always practise before performing in front of audience. Good luck!
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